Integrating Sitecore XM Cloud with Next.js in a Jamstack Architecture

Integrating Sitecore XM Cloud with Next.js in a Jamstack Architecture

  • 27/08/2023
  • Technical
  • Coding, XM Cloud, Third-party Integrations, Architecture, Content Cloud

In the evolving world of web development, Jamstack, Sitecore XM Cloud, and Next.js are game-changers. This post bridges these technologies, offering a guide on using their combined powers. With clear insights and practical code snippets, we'll navigate the integration of Sitecore's headless CMS with the dynamic Next.js in a Jamstack setup.

Why Jamstack with Sitecore XM and Next.js?

Jamstack stands for Javascript, APIs, and Markup. The architecture leverages pre-rendered sites and decoupling of frontend and backend for enhanced performance. Pair this with the content management power of Sitecore XM Cloud and the flexibility of Next.js, and you get powerful tools for modern web development.

Setting up a Next.js Project

Starting with Next.js is easy. Initiate a new project using:

npx create-next-app sitecore-nextjs-jamstack
cd sitecore-nextjs-jamstack

Fetching Content from Sitecore XM Cloud

API Configuration:

For secure and efficient integration, ensure your Sitecore API keys are safely stored, preferably as environment variables.

Sample Data Fetching

Accessing Sitecore content can be achieved with a simple fetch:


export async function getSitecoreData() {
  const res = await fetch(`${SITECORE_API_URL}/data-endpoint`);
  const data = await res.json();
  return data;

Integrating Data into Next.js Pages

Use Next.js features for static or server-side rendered content.

Static Site Generation:

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const sitecoreData = await getSitecoreData();
  return {
    props: {
    revalidate: 60, // Optionally, re-fetch data every minute.

Server-side Rendering:

For dynamic content needs, use getServerSideProps.

Displaying Sitecore Content

Integrate Sitecore data within React components for a seamless content display:

function SitecoreContent({ sitecoreData }) {
  return (

export default SitecoreContent;

Deploying the Solution

Optimal hosting platforms for Next.js are Vercel or Netlify. Ensure you utilize caching and CDNs for optimal performance and quick content delivery.


Using the power of Jamstack with Sitecore XM Cloud and Next.js offers a scalable, efficient, and high-performance solution for web development. This synergy provides both developers and content creators a flexible and dynamic platform to craft outstanding web experiences.

Do not forget: This is just a high-level overview. If you want to look at it in detail, you'll have to do some more research. (Maybe I'll write another blog article with more technical details in some time. 😉)

Have fun! 😎

P.S.: For more informations about Sitecore and our Services, please visit